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News Release

News release for Mango Melondise reviews during a taste test

Mango Melondise

Objective: Build awareness of my prebiotic soda brand and encourage my audience to trial Mango Melondise after seeing the hit reviews from taste testers.
Product and Brand Name: Sea Prebiotic Soda
Target Audience(s): My target demographic comprises health-conscious individuals seeking soda alternatives for themselves and their families. A secondary audience includes those dealing with digestive disorders.
Key Benefit(s): The drink’s low sugar threshold, apple cider vinegar, and prebiotics support healthy skin, metabolism, and digestive systems. It’s a hydrating and refreshing beverage.
Differentiating Feature(s): The mango-watermelon taste is spot-on; the soda doesn’t seem artificial compared to other sodas. It’s a guilty treat that doesn’t compromise taste and is good for your gut health.